Our mission

My Journey My Voice aims to increase awareness and understanding about communication disability.  We hope that by increasing awareness we can help to break down some of the barriers that individuals with a communication disability may experience. 

“A person who listens, supports and has empathy with you is life-changing”

 Margaret Rice, participant


Many of our participants have speech that may sound different to listeners, or use alternative forms of communicating, such as signs, symbols, or a device that produces electronic speech. However, their journey stories will resonate with many: a once in a lifetime holiday, the first day of a new job, a sunny day at the beach with an ice cream. 

“listen most carefully to those whose voices are weakest and find it hardest to speak for themselves”.

Public perception of disability has shifted greatly in recent years. However, people with a communication disability still face the stigma and sometimes ridicule of those who don’t know any different. Sadly people with communication difficulties are still more at risk of abuse than the general population. It is heartening that governments across the UK are taking heed of the findings of the recent Francis report, “Patients First and Foremost”, which made a commitment to “listen most carefully to those whose voices are weakest and find it hardest to speak for themselves”.